Indie Limelight Author of the Day/Cover Reveal–Legends of Windemere: The Compass Key by Charles E. Yallowitz

“After all, you would still be wandering Visindor Forest looking for an adventure if it wasn’t for me.” ~ Charles E. Yallowitz, Legends of Windemere: The Compass Key

Cover Host is pleased to put author Charles E. Yallowitz in the Limelight and reveal the cover of book five THE COMPASS KEY, the new fantasy release from his Legends of Windemere series.


Click the cover for “Buy” link

Swords will clash and spells will fly in the newest adventure of young warrior Luke Callindor, Nyx the magic-flinging caster, and their friends.

With Sari captured by their enemies, the champions of Windemere are determined to get her back and destroy the Lich’s castle. Little do they realize, their battles in the Caster Swamp are only the beginning of this adventure. Trinity and her Chaos Elves have invaded the city of Gaia in search of a relic called the Compass Key. Rumored to be the key to rescuing Sari from a magical island, our heroes are in a race to find the mysterious artifact.

Which side will claim the Compass Key? And, what will our heroes do when they’re faced with an enemy whose evil power overshadows anything they have ever faced?

Genre: High Fantasy

charles-author-photo-bw Charles Yallowitz was born and raised on Long Island, NY, but he has spent most of his life wandering his own imagination in a blissful haze. Occasionally, he would return from this world for the necessities such as food, showers, and Saturday morning cartoons. One day he returned from his imagination and decided he would share his stories with the world. After his wife decided that she was tired of hearing the same stories repeatedly, she convinced him that it would make more sense to follow his dream of being a fantasy author. So, locked within the house under orders to shut up and get to work, Charles brings you Legends of Windemere. He looks forward to sharing all of his stories with you and his wife is happy he finally has someone else to play with.


Indie Limelight Author of the Day/Cover Reveal — Wings of Emotions — Volume II by Euphonos

“The mirth of soul dragging you towards the edge surrounded by lies,
 The waves of emotions sweeping you away from the garden of memories…”
~ Euphonos, Wings of Emotions Volume II

Cover Host is pleased to put author Euphonos in the Limelight and reveal the cover of her upcoming book of poetry WINGS OF EMOTIONS — VOLUME II.

Releases: August 14, 2014


What lies beyond the poet’s mind?
A chance of unknown fate, Poems that speaks one’s life,
regrets that come uninvited while living a wonderful imperfect life with a sense of happiness and wishful ways to spend rest of our lives is what it is all about the second volume.
A profound testament to unconditional love, loss and hope, this free flowing verse paints a picture of the first breathless moments of new love to the heartache of letting go. Each word is a swath of elegance and grace that will linger in the halls of your memory for years to come.

Genre: Poetry

I am an avid reader, blogger and author of “Wings of Emotions & Pieces of Time”. Growing up reading classics has always fascinated my belief in fairy tales. Also, I always had the flair for writing when I was a kid. I am an Engineer by profession. But, there is a born writer within me who has great passion to pen what I believe in.

I live in the south-eastern suburbs of Melbourne, a very happening place; Yet, I am one of those who enjoys sitting at home in my pajamas and watching television. I love living my life the way it is and for who I am and have no regrets. Now, don’t fall for that!!! I do have regrets. Nevertheless, the curiosity to live my life and wish for something miraculous has never left me peaceful. Also, you will always find me with a book in hand. My first work includes poetry intertwined with human emotions of love, grief, loss of loved ones in a free verse equated with rhythm and sometimes my writing is breezy. You’ll find me lovable.
Social Media:
Follow me on Twitter@AeuphonosBooks
Friend me on Facebook page
Find me on Instagram: aeuphonos
 Find me on Pinterest: aeuphonos

Cover Host Welcomes Cover Artist The Cover Collection

Cover Host welcomes cover artist

The Cover Collection is a UK based design company offering low cost, high quality book covers. Having designed for those writing their first novel through to established bestselling authors, we know how to get your book noticed.

Our price includes multiple draft options (usually 7-10) and free unlimited revisions. Our turnaround time on ebook covers is invariably the same day and Createspace covers are completed within 48 hours. Our covers are provided optimised and ready for upload to all the major ebook retailers.

Completed covers are showcased in our gallery, including a link to where the author’s book can be purchased. We also help to promote all our authors via social media.

As well as self-published authors, we also work with publishers who offer book cover design as part of their services.

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Cover Host Welcomes 29 Palms Publishing

Cover Host welcomes indie publisher

29 Palms Publishing provides up and coming and established authors the opportunity to publish their works without the high cost of the big house publishing companies. We publish fiction and non-fiction titles. Now accepting submissions.



Indie Limelight Author of the Day/Cover Reveal–The Rogue King by Aldrea Alien

“I am Gol Lorric, the most powerful of the serpent gods and your master.” The god’s hiss echoed in Koral’s mind. “You will learn to obey me. Oh yes, Vengeance, you will indeed. I shall teach you things like no one else can.” ~ Aldrea Alien, The Rogue King

Cover Host is pleased to put author Aldrea Alien in the Limelight and reveal the cover of her upcoming, sci-fi fantasy novel THE ROGUE KING.
Release date: 4/22/14


Click the cover for “Buy” link

“Outside is dangerous.”

Such is the warning Koral has heard for twelve years. Born a product of genetic manipulation, he knows little else of the world beyond the steel walls of his home.
When fate gives him the choice between certain death and the unknown, there’s no question in what he must choose. But he’s about to find out the sands he must brave are full of more than mere monsters.

Providing the desert doesn’t kill him first.

This is a world ruled by instinct, where innocence is drowned in blood. Here, men are offered up to the great Serpent God, Lorric, only to emerge as the most feared killers on the planet: The Rogues.

With the god’s sights set on turning Koral into a legend, he must sacrifice himself to survive and be reborn as… The Rogue King.

Genre: Sci-Fi | Fantasy

Born and raised in New Zealand, Aldrea Alien lives on a small farm with her family, including a menagerie of animals, most of which are convinced they’re just as human as the next person. 6097702

Since discovering a love of writing at the age of twelve, she hasn’t found an ounce of peace from the characters plaguing her mind.


Cover Chat with the author of The K’Barthan Trilogy

Welcome to Cover Host’s “Cover Chat” session! Today author MT McGuire will share her book cover inspiration and process for Few Are Chosen, part one from The K’Barthan Trilogy.

Where did the inspiration for your cover come from?
Mainly from the same influences as the text inside. I had a very clear idea of the kind of feel I wanted, something that would echo comic book drawings in magazines like 2000AD and 1950s and 60s B-Movie posters. facfullcoer

The 1960 posters for Day of the Triffids and Return of the Daleks pretty much summed it up, but that didn’t stop me sending the designers a 10 page briefing document. It included everything from the film posters I mentioned to drawings of the snurds (flying cars) involved and the backgrounds in the Danger Mouse cartoons. Luckily they were used to working with me.

I also wanted to do something different. I find a lot of book covers are beautifully laid out but actually, rather boring. I wanted something more than a library photograph, I wanted MY cover on MY books, if that makes any sense. I wanted it to be my answer to the hand painted Harry Potter covers, so I threw money at it. I hired a firm of designers I knew from another life when I was a marketing manager because I knew they could get inside my head and put what I could see there onto paper for me.

What was the process like choosing the perfect cover for your book?

More about the process?
The important thing, to me, was that my cover reflected certain key factors that I believed would attract me, and therefore, potential readers. So, I wanted it to do the following things:
1. To show action and excitement eg with a shot of the snurd (flying car) chase in each book.
2. To have a brand ‘look’ for the whole series.
3. For the design to contain the standard features for a cover in its genre but at the same time, stand out.
4. To reflect the influences that had gone into the book a kind of visual prompt for what readers might be getting… “if you like cheesy 1960s sci-fi, comics and b-movies you’ll like this book”
5. For the artwork to be cool enough to sell the book to people who didn’t even know what it was. Cool enough for them to think, “what a great picture, I must find out what it’s about.”
6. For readers to look it and think, “Wow! That book looks fun.”

What catches your eye when purchasing books?
Lay out: Is it clean, clear and enticing?
Colours: Are there any? If there are, it’s a big tick. I also look at how well handled they are. Too much colour everywhere can look a bit cheap.
Does it stand out? If it does, that’s the factor that first makes me pick up a book.

More about your cover?
The last thing I should say about the K’Barthan Trilogy covers is that I wanted them to be art in their own right. I wanted them to be the kind of stuff your average teenager would want to put on their bedroom wall, whether or not they liked the books. Not setting my sights too high then, phnark. I planned the overall look and feel but originally specified four characters should be chasing the magic item central to each book. There was a long pause, so I rang A Trouble Halved to see how they were getting on.

“That’s a lot of drawing,” they said.
“Expensive?” I asked.
“But you have another, cheaper idea right?”
“Yes we do.”

So the grasping hands were born!

Is your cover what you envisioned or better than you hoped it would be?
Way, way better.

To  me, the hands are more effective than whole actual people would have been. The backgrounds and the way the hands are drawn are exactly what I had in my head but couldn’t quite explain and the way they’ve done the snurds (on the back)…I would love that picture on my wall. So yeh, the folks at A Trouble Halved have done a grand job… as usual! If you want to talk to A Trouble Halved about a cover design for your book you can find them here:

We hope you enjoyed author MT McGuire’s “Cover Chat” today.

Special thanks to MT McGuire for sharing her experience with us for Few Are Chosen.


Amazon (wherever you are):
Barnes & Noble:

Social Media:
Twitter: @mtmcguireauthor
Twitter profile for easy following

Cover Chat with the author of the Legends of Windemere Series

Welcome to Cover Host’s “Cover Chat” session! Today we’ll learn about the inspiration and process for Family of the Tri-Rune, book four from the Legends of Windemere series by author Charles E. Yallowitz.

Where did the inspiration for your cover come from?
The inspiration for this cover is the debuting character, Timoran Wrath. He is a barbarian, but is a wise and philosophical warrior instead of the large, stupid berserker. Jason, who does my cover art, was trying to capture that thoughtful nature while retaining the physical description. With this cover, Jason was ‘goofing off’ and made a preliminary sketch that worked perfectly for what was planned.


What was the process like choosing the perfect cover for your book?

More about the process?
Since Jason lives in California and I live in New York, all of our communication is through email. I send him a detailed description and background for the character chosen for the cover. He sends back questions that are geared toward what he’s thinking of. After that, I get a sketch to give me an idea of what the final cover will look like. The next time I hear from Jason is usually with the nearly finished product or the completely finished product depending on how quickly progress is made. I don’t know about his exact thought process on creating it.

What catches your eye when purchasing books?
I am one of those readers who is drawn to a cover before anything else. I read a lot of fantasy, so I like it when a cover shows what the book will be about. Even if it’s a teaser scene or a character, a visual gives me a feel for what I would be getting into with the actual story. For example, a dark setting cover gives me the sense that it will be a mysterious, shadowy story while a bright setting cover makes me think it’s a more lighthearted read. For someone whose mood denotes how much he’ll enjoy a certain book, it’s good to have those clues.

More about your cover?
Unlike the three previous covers, this one has a change in the title and author name. Volumes 1-3 have borders where this information has been put. Family of the Tri-Rune has them in the picture. Timoran’s head being over part of the series title gives it a layered look, which I think is very eye-catching.

Is your cover what you envisioned or better than you hoped it would be?
It’s definitely better than I hoped for, but I’ve learned that it always happens that way. The overall look is amazing compared to the simple image I had in my head. It makes me excited about the next one that Jason creates.

Special thanks to author Charles E. Yallowitz for sharing the inspiration and process for the cover of Family of the Tri-Rune in his Legends of Windemere series.

We hope you enjoyed this session of “Cover Chat” today.


Indie Limelight Author of the Day/Re-Cover Reveal–Few Are Chosen by MT McGuire

“What would you say if I told you that for each time we make a choice, we create another universe where another version of ourselves, in another dimension of space and time is making a different decision?” ~ MT McGuire, Few Are Chosen

Cover Host is pleased to put author MT McGuire in the Limelight for the Re-Cover Reveal of her humorous, sci-fi fantasy novel FEW ARE CHOSEN, part one of The K’Barthan Trilogy.


Click the cover for “Buy” link

Charming outlaw with own transport and limited social skills seeks lucrative, employment at minimal risk.

When you’re running from a murderous government and work for an equally murderous gangster, accidentally torching his apartment is a bad move.

The Pan of Hamgee just wants a quiet life but destiny has other plans.

Genre: Humor | Sci-Fi | Fantasy

M T McGuire enjoys the real world but wouldn’t want to live here full time. That’s why she writes books. She grew up, or at least, got bigger, half way up a windy down in Sussex. Her home was also the first location choice for Hogwarts, in the Harry Potter films, so maybe it’s not so strange that she’s ended up writing spec-fic.marys_huge_oneelyonlineodd

Perhaps there’s something in the water up there, apart from chalk. She now lives in Bury St Edmunds, in Suffolk, with a McOther, a McMini and a selection of very silly cars. She hasn’t found a way to make any of the cars fly, and none of them are fitted with ordinance, but she and her team of evil scientists are working on that.

Despite being 45 now, and supposedly, an adult, M T checks all unfamiliar wardrobes for a gateway to Narnia. She hasn’t found one so far but she lives in hope.

Amazon (wherever you are):
Barnes & Noble:

Social Media:
Twitter: @mtmcguireauthor
Twitter profile for easy following

Indie Limelight Author of the Day/Cover Reveal–Legends of Windemere: Family of the Tri-Rune by Charles E. Yallowitz

“This place was so shiny and happy before. What could have happened here?” Sari asks. “I did,” Nyx replies, a shudder running through her body. ~ Charles E. Yallowitz, Legends of Windemere: Family of the Tri-Rune

Cover Host is pleased to put author Charles E. Yallowitz in the Limelight and reveal the cover of his new fantasy release FAMILY OF THE TRI-RUNE, book four from the Legends of Windemere series.


Click the cover for “Buy” link

The magical adventure continues after Luke Callindor and his friends recover from their battles in Haven.

Nyx still has nightmares about casting the genocide spell in Hero’s Gate. Every night her heart is gripped by the sensation of hundreds of goblins dying by her magic. By the request of Lord Highrider and Duke Solomon, she is returning to fix the damage she caused. With Luke Callindor and Sari by her side, Nyx is ready to face the vengeful goblins and opportunistic thieves that plague Hero’s Gate. Yet, there is a darker threat that was born from her violated magic: The Krypters.

It is another action-packed, character driven story that will reveal one of our heroes has been lied to for their entire life.

Genre: Fantasy

Charles Yallowitz was born and raised on Long Island, NY, but he has spent most of his life wandering his own imagination in a blissful haze. Occasionally, he would return from this world for the necessities such as food, showers, and Saturday morning cartoons. charles-author-photo-bw
One day he returned from his imagination and decided he would share his stories with the world. After his wife decided that she was tired of hearing the same stories repeatedly, she convinced him that it would make more sense to follow his dream of being a fantasy author. So, locked within the house under orders to shut up and get to work, Charles brings you Legends of Windemere. He looks forward to sharing all of his stories with you and his wife is happy he finally has someone else to play with.